I'm blogging. I'm awake. I have long hair. I like to read comics. I'm a geek/nerd. I don't know the definition or difference between those words. I think that they are synonyms. I'm a vlogger. I like college. I like not living at home is more like it. I have a boxed happy meal on my desk. Am I weird for keeping the box? "Watch the Sunrise" just came up on my iTunes. I was thinking about doing that tonight. iTunes knows things, and it's freaky. I posted a new video up on my personal channel yesterday. I like it a lot.
Paragragh change. Well that was fun. I havn't talked to nappi in a long time. I feel like our conversations on the phone are better then any other way of comunication. I'm going to see Watchmen at midnight tomarrow. I'm excited...sorta. I'm not really excited about anything at the moment.
Spring break is next week. I just want to be in GA. I think that it is going to be fun. Ultimate and the beach with a buch of people that i really like and some that I don't like. Jeff C is one of the people i can't stand. Nappi, i don't like the kid. At all. Also, Evan, I can't take him either. it's bad because you were what kept that group together. I don't really see Evan though, but it is easier to get along with him when you are there.
I'm better at vlogging the blogging. I think.
biggity bye bye (the newest catch phrase)