And that Is why I have to go to a Rabi and talk to said religious figure about the Old Testament.
Back Story: Yesterday I was reading the Old Testament in preparation for my test on the subject later in the day. As I read over these stories I found that most if not all of the Celebrations in my faith have to do with Death.
Example 1): Passover, celebrating the "Passing-Over" of the plague that killed all the first born in Egypt. All those babies and children died and then the Jews were released, thus the celebrations. But there is still so much death that goes with it. Also wth this story I was really pissed to find out that it wasn't the Pharoe who wanted to keep all the jews in Egypt but it was God who influenced the Pharoe to KEEP the Jews in Egypt so that God could show off his wrath and prove that the all Mighty was infact the All MIGHTY. GREAT!!! So now, instead of me thinking that it was the Pharoe who was being a shit, I think that God is being the harsh one for doing all these things to Egypt.
Example 2): Purim, Some of you may not know about this one and that is ok. This, from what I knew, is the celebration of Hamen not getting to kill all the Jews thanks to Esther. Esther is a BA don't get me wrong, but do you want to know what happened to Hamen and his 7 children? They were all hanged in front of an entire kingdom and left there for passer bys to see. WTF?!?! I'm sorry but that's not my cup of tea.
Example 3): The book of Job, Now this book is a testament to how faith can over come anything put in the way of a person. The endresult of the book being a good one yes, but the beggining being horrid. From my understanding this book was infact God tormenting Job and seeing if Job would still have faith, I get that. What I ended up reading was Different.
God sees Satan walking around earth and asks Satan, for lack of a better term, "Sup? What are you up to?" and Satan replies, "Chillan, walking around earth seeing whats up with the mortals." God replies, "Cool Cool. Hey listen do you see that mortal Job over there?" Satan, "Oh hell yeah. Not a bad guy that Job." God, "Yeah he is real great, one of my most loyal followers. He has this great family and a great farm going for him. But listen Satan, Do you want to mess with him?" Satan surprised answers, "Well sure God, I'll help you out with that!!" God answers calmly in his all mighty coolness "Cool Cool. Lets kill his children, all of them and his wife then lets kill all his live stock and see if he still has faith in me." Satan, "God you're the coolest God ever!"
Now let me get this straight, God teamed up with THE DEVIL to fuck around with Job?? Oh come on. That has to be the complete opposite of what I thought the G-man was about. Really though. In the end of a 42 chapter book and a very long conversation in prose, Job ends up keeping his faith and is rewarded by God with new kids a new wife and new cattle. Whatever, it's still fucked up that all that stuff had to happen to him. More over the whole team up with God and SATAN!!! That is was pissed me off the most.
Well I hope that you all enjoyed this post. I'm going to talk to a Rabi.