Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Red Bull and Rum

Yes I'm in the Library. I spent 13 hours here the other day. Yeah that was fun. Actually it wasn't at all. I mean, what is there to say. I spent that many hours here and i only spent about 3 of them studying. That isn't good at all. I was studying for the Russian final and i did a bit. I was supposed to study for the math final i had on monday. I found out that it isn't till friday. That was good times. I have my math and Physics on the same day. Woot Woot for that. After that I'm done. Oh so done.

Not really though. I'm not done with either of those classes cause I'm re-taking them next semester. I mean I have to. I do. There it is. So i have to do it all again next semester. Instead it's going to be really cold THEN warm again. The only difference.

GPA down the shiter. Well done sir. Well done. You spent 16 weeks of your life pretending to go to a four year college BUT instead took a brek for 16 weeks. Well done.

I do know how to speak Russian a bit and I know that I can tap dance better then I have ever before. That was a fun class. If I could major in that, I would. At times it was really hard but it was great to know that I can do it. Before Tap class i was like a toddler walking. I could do it but was oh so cute trying to. "Aw look at Sid trying to Tap Dance, so cute." Now, I can run at a moderate pace with out bad form. I'M NOT DFL ANYMORE! Haha. What a shitty way to describe that.

I realize that I know a lot about comics. Well current issues I guess. I actually don't know shit when it comes to some people. So nevermind, i retract that statement.

I'm heading back to Vienna on the 20th. I head back then only because Nappi is coming back to Vienna. Dear god I don't think I could be more excited. Yes kinda gay but it's like seeing your favorite brother after not seeing them for almost a year. So fuck off.

So I'm listening to Eminem. I dunno, I think that I like his most recent album the most.

Mostly been listening to N'Sync and the Backstreet Boys though. (Now that is the oppiste end of the spectrum) I think that it's just nostalgic. Fuck, I shouldn't have said that. Well I could delete it but it wouldn't be as much fun.

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