Thursday, January 15, 2009

Title Unknown

So over the past few days all I have been is sick. It's nothing more then a cold. It was a bad one though. My body ached and my nose would not stop leaking. The only way I got to sleep was by taking medicine. If you know me well, you know that I hate taking medicine. Today wasn't that bad, so that is a plus.

I haven't been to shafer once yet. I decided not to get a meal plan this semester. Over the winter break and a few days before I left, I liked not having to go to shafer to eat. I liked having food in my own apartment. Over the month long break I didn't eat at shafer obviously. When I was in Florida I didn't go to the dinning hall at Elizabeths school. I cooked chicken pot pie and liked doing it. I liked having the left overs and I liked making something for myself. So this semester for the most part I'm not going to shafer. I'm going to be learning how to cook. I'll be making dinner, lunch and whatever else in my apartment. I think it's good. I think its better I learn how to cook anyway.

Over the week I have gone to the gym more. It's a good feeling. I want to start doing Yoga too. Even though it's a 7 in the morning I think it will help me relax. My schedual allows me a free afternoon on Fridays so that means i get to play Dogeball!!! I'm so excited for that. I just found out that it isn't called Dogeball though, it's called "Medicball". It's still the same though, so it's cool.

I've been thanking about sky diving in the past few days. My broher-in-law does it and seeing a video on let me in on how cool it would be.

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